The thrilling saga of Rex Koko, Private Clown had its origin in the cabarets of Chicago, where the indefatigable trio of the Waveland Radio Playhouse brought the loveable bigshoe to life for the pleasure of an inebriated audience. For those who crave entertainment in the “theater of the mind”, I’ve recorded the individual chapters of Honk Honk, My Darling as MP3s and podcast episodes, all available here: They can also be downloaded and subscribed to through the Apple iTunes store and the Stitcher mobile app.

Listen as I bring to spectacular vivification the intrepid and insipid Rex Koko; his pallies Lotta Mudflaps, Bingo and Hobie Hoobler; police detectives Tom Kashaw and Pinky Piscopink; plus arrogant aerialist Reynaldo Carlozo, his wayward wife Boots, unctuous Jimmy Plummett, T.C. Montgomery, Berndt Bork, Flying Fleming, and that vile family of roustabout bastards, the Redd Brothers.